It was a sharp disagreement about whether to go for broke or whether to compromise. 是放手一搏还是保守妥协,在这一问题上的分歧很尖锐。
The majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months 大多数小企业在开张后的24个月内就倒闭了。
If it had to pay high interest, it would eventually go broke. 如果它必须支付高利率,破产将不可避免。
They marry more, go broke more often, and make more money than any other people. 跟任何人相比,他们结婚次数更多,离婚的频率更高,赚的钱更多。
However, it may happen if we go broke. 然而,如果我们破产的话,这可能会发生的。
Most start-ups go broke because of over-optimism; established companies are wrecked by complacency and hubris. 多数初创企业因过度乐观而破产;成熟公司则被自满和傲慢摧毁。
Paying for some things is OK, but if you're with a guy who never has any money ( or just has an aversion to spending his own), get out while you can& or at least before you go broke. 给一些东西付钱还好,但如果你跟一个从来没有什么钱的家伙在一起(或者只是排斥花自己钱),在你有能力时&或者至少在你破产前外出约会。
Last year we were very successful, but this year, it looks like we will go broke. 我们去年很成功,但是今年,看起来我们要破产了。
If I don't sell them, I'm gonna go broke. 画要是卖不出去,我就会破产。
Without you, the phone company would go broke. 少了你,电话公司肯定要倒闭。
While big defaults are unlikely this year, debt negotiations will be a pointer as to who might go broke in later years. 尽管今年不太可能发生重大违约,但债务谈判将成为显示今后几年谁有可能破产的指针。
Surplus countries insist on continuing just as before. But they refuse to accept that their reliance on export surpluses must rebound upon themselves, once their customers go broke. 盈余国家坚持要维持原状,但它们拒绝接受以下观点:一旦它们的客户破产,它们对出口顺差的依赖必定会令它们自食其果。
My great-uncle Frank thought everything in the world was going to go broke. 我那位弗兰克爷爷认为世界上的一切都会破产。
( Of Wall Street maxims the most foolish may be "You cannot go broke taking a profit.") 在华尔街名言中,最可笑的莫过于是「赚钱的人是不会破产的」
They forget about the thousands of start-ups that go broke every year. 他们忘记了每年有数以千计的初创企业破产。
You got a great deal on that new computer, so why go broke loading it up with software? 买新电脑时你获得了一个大优惠,那么为什么在装软件上要去破费?
Why did Hamas go for broke this time? 为什么这次哈马斯要孤注一掷?
The next time you have to build a golden pyramid and don't want to go broke, well, you know where to put the top. 下次你再想建造个金字塔的时候,如果不想破产的话,你知道在哪里建塔顶了吧,如果这个讲的有点快。
Okay, I'm going to go for broke and bet all the money I have on my cards. 行啦,这回我得豁出去把我所有的钱都压在这付牌上。
The worse case scenario is that you will not go home broke. 最坏的情况是您不会回家打破了。
You can go broke taking a profit. 如果有了利润就去兑现,你也有可能破产。
And I just sit back and watch these shit kickers go broke. 而我只不过坐在这儿看这些个混球们破产。
Now, as a new chapter begins, it's time to go for broke. 在新篇章即将打开的时候,现在该全力以赴了。
One asshole and you can go broke. 放个屁的时间你就破产了。
Las Vegas is a place where people go broke trying to get rich. 拉斯韦加斯一个人们为想为发财而去却是破产的而归的地方。
Mr Smithers demonstrates that the length of time over which markets deviate is so long ( decades) and their movement so unpredictable that this opportunity cannot be exploited. A short seller will go broke long before the value ship comes in. 史密瑟斯证实,市场偏离的时间可能会很长(几十年时间),走势可能会变得不可预测,导致人们可能无法利用这种机会。早在价值实现之前,卖空者就会破产。